Pre 1990’s


Once again I am indebted to Ewen Cameron Adjutant of this Regiment from 1981/82 and Pipe Band President, for being able to give me more information about versions of the badges that the Regiment and Pipers wore from time to time. 

The above illustration of a Bi-Metal Glengarry badge with a belted garter in white metal and “Jimmy” superimposed on a St Andrews cross, is one of several locally made badges that the Regiment commissioned. 

The importance of this badge is that it carries the (Saltier) St Andrews cross. An embellishment that did not appear on the unit badges until the late 1980’s. 

Prior to this date badges only consisted of the belted garter and a “Jimmy” badge with either a Tudor or St. Edward’s crown depending on the date. Ewen has advised me that indeed both versions of crown have been known to have been worn by different members of the Pipe Band even though the official crown of the Regiment since it’s inception in 1967 was the St. Edward’s Crown.

With the restructuring of the TA in 2009. 32 Signal Regiment (V) lost the prefix (Scottish) as a number of non Scottish units became part of their command.